... a Christ-centered, Reformed faith fellowship.
Wednesday Prayer and
Bible Study: 4:00 - 5:30 PM
Sunday School: 9:00 AM
Lord's Day Worship: 10:00 AM
7900 Fort King Road
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Glenn Rogers: How to Increase Your Prayer Time
How many times in a twenty-four (24) hour day is the time on the clock made up of three or more consecutive numbers ( in any random order ) See list below!
---123 321
---213 231 234 243
---312 321 342 324 345 354
---423 432 325 453 456
---534 543 546
---645 654 657
---1234 1243
For a total of 26 x 2 = 52
This can be used as a reminder to say a short prayer for: A personal friend, The need of a friend, For my pastor or church staff, For our military and first responders, Government leaders ( President and others), Widows, Homeless, Missionaries, or others So, every time I look at the clock or my watch and see one of these numbers I’m convicted and committed to saying a prayer. This is written for all my children and grandchildren in Christ’s Love, Grandpa-ROGERS